from $244.84
Registration Options:
1.European Bank Transfer with Euros to: Kim Sierra Robinson, IBAN DE89 7001 1110 6054 0959 35. Bank code (SWIFT / BIC)DEKTDE7GXXX. AddressHandelsbank
Elsenheimer Str. 41, München, 80687, Germany
This option has no fees and no exchange rate commissions etc. To confirm your registration please also send an email to info@thejadedoor.com with the following information: Your bank transfer name, the amount and date transferred, how you heard about this event, what your primary interest in learning the jade door practices is. Thank you.
Early Bird Rate Before December 31: 320 SFr + 70SFr for one pure Nephrite Jade Egg or 284€ and 60€ for one pure Nephrite Jade Egg
Regular Rate: 360 SFr + 70SFr for one pure Nephrite Jade Egg or 311€ + 60€ for one pure Nephrite Jade Egg
Early Bird Rate Before December 31: 240 SFr
Regular Rate: 270 SFr
2. Credit Card or Paypal here through my website: These options will charge you fees and a pre-determined exchange rate to USD, so the actual amount charged to your card or PayPal account will be more than my listed price for the course. Select your option below and if you are purchasing before December 31 it will give you the Early bird price.