“This woman is a teacher in the truest sense; she has taken broad and detailed knowledge from the world, mixed it with wisdom of her own extensive experience, and imparts her truth with presence, gentleness and fortitude. And she does so in a way that meets you where you are at. This is not a showy Wow initiation. That wouldn’t really be Daoist. This is a quietly true Yes initiation, the kind that finds it way in gently and stays. ”
Jade EGg Initiation & Online Course
The Netherlands, February-April 2020
Next course October/November
Jade Egg Initiation
Solothurn, Switzerland: March 13-15, 2020
Sebastopol, California
March 27-29, 2020
JaDe egg Hot Springs REtreat
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, USA
April 8-12, 2020
London, England: October, 2020
Live & Online Women’s Alchemical Qigong
Ongoing weekly classes: Everywhere on Zoom or in person in Santa Fe, NM: Please sign up for my email list to get the latest information. Send an email to info@thjadedoor.com
Jade EGG Initiation & #Complete Belonging
Vienna, Austria: March 22-24, 2019
Jade Egg Initiation Plus & transformation Package
Los Angeles, California: September 2019
More Info Coming Soon…